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Tuesday, May 23, 2017


 What is “Web development

Web development broadly refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or Internet. The Web development process includes Web design, Web content development, client-side/server-side scripting and network security configuration, among other tasks.

Web development is actually a combo of "Web designing" and "Server deployment". Web designing includes use of HTML, CSS for decorating a web page and Javascript for any client-side functioning or user interaction. On the other hand Server deployment can be done by any server-side scripting language such as PHP, , JSP or Python. Apart from this, to enhance interactivity of a website and to make it dynamic, web developers extensively use databases. Some of the famous DBMS(DataBase Management Systems) are MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Sybase, DB2. These are the basics for web development but practically most of the developers use frameworks both for designing and server interaction.

For any web development you have to know html, css, javascript and jquery for the front end and for the back end you can go with php, or .net though. But to develop a website you must take the help of any professional as they will make the perfect one as in a business having a good website is very important, as now a days your website is treated as your identity of your co. So, do it properly and along with this you must choose something that will support the front end. But at last you must have an agile and good graded web hosting provider which will help you to support to run the total website

Learning process of Web development

1. Learn Basic HTML
Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is what controls the content and layout of what you see in your web browser. By starting there, you will give yourself a User Interface that you can use to interact with, and see the results of, your code. As you tackle more advanced languages, this will become increasingly important. You don’t want to be coding in the dark.
Here’s the HTML you need to learn about first (click the links to get a free tutorial):
Awesome! That’s an important first step. Now you need some basic JavaScript.
2. Learn Basic JavaScript

JavaScript is the language of the web, all major web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari, IE, and many more) have JavaScript support built in. Every web site or web application you’ve ever used probably has lots and lots of JavaScript code behind it. Not to mention, JavaScript is now becoming popular on other platforms as well, including servers, desktops, and devices.
For now, you just need the basics, these links will help:
3. Learn CSS
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets. It’s used to customize the look and feel of the HTML elements on your page. Follow this free tutorial from Mozilla, to get the basics, and then frequently consult CSS-Tricks to solve the most difficult CSS problems (use the search feature on the top right).
Move to the “Back End”
At this point, you’ve been exposed to what is called “front-end web development”. That is to say, you know the major languages that run in a web browser. It’s time to move to the “back end”. Which is code that runs on a server. Don’t worry you don’t need a server to learn this, your own computer will do just fine.
There are lots of backend languages, but since you’re already familiar with JavaScript, I’m going to recommend you learn to use Node JS. Node JS allows you to execute JavaScript code on a server (instead of in a browser).
In addition to Node JS, you should learn about Express and Mongo DB.
Express is a library that makes it easier for Node JS to act as a web server (i.e. listen for “requests” from your web pages, and send “responses” back to your web pages).
Mongo DB
Mongo DB is a database. It allows you to store and retrieve information.
You can learn about Node JS, Express, and Mongo DB, from this excellent, free, tutorial and its sequel.
I need to choose between being a “Front End”, “Back End” or “Full Stack” Developer.
If you’ve been exposed to both ends, it’s time to make a choice. If not, please follow the advice in the previous section to fill any gaps in your knowledge.
By now, you’ve written two kinds of code. One kind has to do with user interaction. The other kind has to do with data interaction. Which kind do you prefer?
User Interaction? Congratulations, you’re a front end developer!
Data Interaction? Congratulations, you’re a back-end developer!
Both? Congratulations, you’re a full stack developer!
Hated everything? Congratulations, becoming a web developer is not for you, be glad you figured this out now instead of wasting more time and money. Not ready to give up yet? Maybe you haven’t found a language you love yet? Try some of the other languages covered in “I want to be a backend developer”.
Cool. You need to read and do everything under I want to be a Front End Developer and I want to be a Back End Developer below.
To be effective as a front-end developer, you need to master HTML, CSS, and client-side JavaScript. You’ll also need to become proficient in some important frameworks. This will give you the skills that employers and clients expect from front-end developers.
By now, you should know some basic HTML. If not, go back to Learn Basic HTML.
4. Learn Intermediate and Advanced HTML
Follow this intermediate HTML tutorial and then this advanced HTML tutorialto get you skilled up.
Learn Advanced Client-side JavaScript
A great series of books on JavaScript available online for free!
To level-up your JavaScript, I highly recommend the book series, You Don’t Know JS by Kyle Simpson. The author has made the entire series available online for free at these links:
  1. “Up & Going”
  2. “Scope & Closures”
  3. “this & Object Prototypes”,
  4. “Types & Grammar”
  5. “Async & Performance”
  6. “ES6 & Beyond”
Along with those books, the MDN JavaScript Reference should become your best friend.
Knowing the “front-end trifecta” HTML, CSS, and JavaScript is great. But to start earning money, you’ll need to get familiar with some frameworks.
5. Learn jQuery
jQuery is the most popular JavaScript library of all time. Although some newer frameworks make jQuery less relevant, if you’re looking for employment, chances are jQuery will be part of the job description (and interview) for many years to come.
I recommend following the jQuery path at FreeCodeCamp to begin learning jQuery quickly and effectively. After that, go to jQuery’s official learning site to get more instruction.
You’ll also want to keep the jQuery API docs handy.
6. Learn a popular JS Framework
Frameworks make working with a particular language or technology easier by addressing and solving some of the biggest problems with that technology. JavaScript has seen a huge boon in the development and popularization of frameworks.
It seems like every week there’s a new JavaScript framework that is touted as the next defacto standard. You’ll have to check the job boards or do some Googling to figure out which one is the most popular for your market. A good place to check is the Hacker News hiring trends tool.
Here’s what seems to be in demand at the time of this writing:
React was created by Facebook to work with their Flux architecture. It is a JavaScript library for building interfaces. It has surged to first place recently, overtaking Angular. So start with React. There’s a good free course introducing React here.
Angular JS was created by Google and really took off as soon as it was introduced. Many companies invested heavily in the framework and, as you can see from the graph above, it is still very popular. Unfortunately, Google felt the need to completely re-write Angular when they built version 2. So Angular 1 and Angular 2 are almost like two completely different fraeworks. If you want to call yourself an expert in Angular, as of right now, you need to learn both to be really marketable. There’s probably still a window of time, where only knowing Angular 1 is enough. But that window is closing. The majority of Angular work will be in transitioning Angular 1 code bases to Angular 2. Code School has a fun free course for Angular 1. For Angular 2, check out this free video series to learn the basics.
There are still quite a few jobs for people with Ember JS experience, but as you can see from the graph, it’s starting to flatline. It doesn’t have the support of a juggernaut like Google or Facebook behind it, and you’ll have your hands full with React and Angular. Still, if you’re curious, you can follow along withthe official Ember JS guide.
Once you’ve chosen the framework you like best, and are reasonably familiar with it, it may be worth exploring an accompanying CSS framework. The two dominant players in CSS right now are Bootstrap and Material Design.
Bootstrap was made by Twitter and is quite mature and popular. There are versions of Bootstrap for Angular, Angular 2, and React.
Material is a design guideline put out by Google that is gaining traction. There are Angular and React versions of it as well. Since Angular is also put out by Google, you’ll find there’s a natural fit there.
Here are some links to get you going.
Congratulations! You now have the key skills needed to be a Front End Developer.
The languages in green are where you should focus. If you don’t already know any of these, start at the top and work your way down. Stop when you find one you like, and go deep!
If you’re already familiar with a particular green language, and you like it, then focus on that one.

Java is an extremely popular language and can run (almost) anywhere. It was developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle). Java is the language used to build Android apps. It can also be used to build desktop applications and, of course, it can be used to build web applications (either as a stand-alone backend, or coupled with JSP). It’s mature, stable, and there are a ton of resources to learn Java. It’s also one of the mostly widely taught Object Oriented Programming languages in colleges and universities around the world. Here’s a free Java course for beginners, that’s quite good.
C# is a language created by Microsoft to directly compete with Java. Until recently, it was not well supported on non-Microsoft systems, but that is quickly changing. Like Java, it is object oriented, and can be used to build not only Web Applications (either as a standalone backend or coupled with The Official Microsoft ASP.NET Site) but also for desktop apps as well. If you’re a Windows user and want a slightly more contained eco-system to program within, C# might be the way to go. Check out this free course from Microsoft Virtual Academy.
Although it doesn’t have a big name company behind it like Java or C#, Python is a great language for getting things done quickly. It’s relatively easy to learn and it’s getting more and more popular each year. If you don’t love the others, this is a good language to sink your teeth in. The best place to get started is right here.
If you’ve been following along since the beginning, we’ve already covered JavaScript. With the advent of Node JS and the popularity of npm (the Node Package Manager). JavaScript on the server is only going to get more popular in the years to come. Well worth learning.
If you didn’t do it earlier, now is good time to learn about Node JS, Express, and Mongo DB, from this excellent, free, tutorial and its sequel, it’s time to do it now.
Ruby is an odd bird. People who love it, really, really, love it. It’s in the top 10, but it appears to be slowing in growth. The language itself is a blend betweenfunctional programming and imperative programming. I recommend trying it out, maybe you’ll become one of it’s die-hard fans. There will be lots of Ruby work for years to come. But you may want to double check the listings in your particular area to ensure that at least a few companies have been bitten by the Ruby bug.
The best place to learn Ruby is RubyMonk
What about PHP?
There’s a lot of PHP in the marketplace but, at least according to this dataset, it seems to be getting less popular. I made it yellow because I think, right now, it’s still a viable choice to build a career on. Also, in the interest of full disclosure, I am not a fan of PHP, so maybe some personal bias has crept in here as well, but I can’t imagine that in the next 5–10 years PHP will be more valuable than JavaScript, even though it ranks higher at the moment and there will probably still be jobs out there for PHP developers.
I’ve learned a lot, but I have no real world experience.
It’s extremely difficult to get a job without any experience.
The first step is to complete one or two personal projects, to get comfortable building things from end to end.
When you start building personal projects, it’s useful to have a way to manager and publish your code. For that, you need GitHub.
GitHub is an online source code repository built on the Git platform. It allows you to store, manage, and publish your code. If you are a developer today, you MUST have a GitHub account. You can learn more about GitHub and how to use GitHub from this “Hello World” guide and also, from this interactive tutorial about using the Git platform.
Personal Projects
Now that you’re set up with GitHub, here are a couple of personal project ideas.
Free Code Camp also has a variety of projects to try, including some front-end only ones. Here are two of my faves:
Real Experience
Next, you need real experience. Real experience means doing work for someone else. Personal projects are useful, but they’re not enough to make you competitive in the job market. There are a few avenues for gaining realexperience.
7 Contribute to an Open Source Project
Thanks to the popularity of GitHub there are millions of open source projects out there with open issues (bugs) just waiting to be fixed by someone like you. Putting on your resume that you’ve contributed to some popular and well known open source projects, is a great way to establish and boost your credibility. The best resource for figuring out what projects to contribute to is Code Triage. Code Triage lets you pick your favorite project and will send you a different open issue right to your inbox every day.
8. Do Work for a Friend or Family Member
Find a friend, or a family member, who has a business and build them a web app or web site, or improve their existing one. Just make sure that you choose very carefully, you need to pick the right-sized project and the right family member so that you avoid any uncomfortable situations down the road. Ideally, it should be a project you can complete in under 90 days and a person with whom you have a very honest relationship. You shouldn’t be afraid to admit if/when things aren’t going as planned and you shouldn’t be afraid or worried about having to say “no” or telling them to “back off” on certain requests or expectations. Also, you should be sure that if either of you and up bailing for any reason, it won’t permanently damage your relationship.
9. Work for Charity/Non-Profits
A very rewarding way to gain real experience is to do some work for non-profits and/or charities. You can approach a local charity or non-profit that you feel strongly about and offer to help. You can also use the site Catch a Fireto find a project that you can help with. Finally, if you follow the program atFree Code Camp and earn all their certificates, you will gain access to non-profit projects where you can put your skills to good use.
10. Slave Labour
I confess, that’s a bit of a cheeky title for what i am about to suggest here, but in my experience, if you take this route, and then subsequently get a job or go freelance, you will look back on it as slave labour, for sure. Sites like Upwork,Fiverr, and PeoplePerHour give you an opportunity to win business, but you’ll have to keep your rates very low and accept that you are only doing this for the experience.
11. Build a portfolio website
More important than having a good resume is having a strong portfolio website. Take all the real projects you’ve done and put them on a personal home page that shows them off. This SitePoint article gives some good advice on building a portfolio site. The one other thing I would emphasize is that you should make sure to highlight how each of your projects solved a businessproblem for your client (or employer). Do that, and your portfolio site will stand head and shoulders above the rest.

3.How many times do I need to become a professionalWeb developer

It is a long course. My friend has completed his course in1 years. Now he is trying to get job. When I learn this course, I complete this course in 1 years at 2008. Now I am a professional web developer. It is such that a course where you have to collect more code and strategy. If you can you would be success.

Benifits of Web development

1 . You don't need any specific/higher education for being a Web Developer.
2. 8 out of 10 Employers are always looking for you, as every company needs/has a website.
3. You get a pay for what you know and not your education.
4. You are blessed with those tons of free resources all over the internet.
5. You can take control of your schedule, work from anywhere, anytime (Just that you need an Internet connection :P ).
6. No one argues with you, you get a special respect for your work.
7. You get the most challenging works, the appreciation after it is accomplished (Even though you did it using a snippet you got from Stackoverflow).
8. You will always have different ways to solve or hack that thing.
9. You can never be jobless, never ever.
10. You can earn more than your Boss.
11. You don't have to wake up early or go to bed early.
12. You are popular between your friends for any tech stuff, they will always follow your recommendation (Though sometimes irritating but remember that's because you're special

4. Demand of Web development
The demand of web developers is at an all time high, at least in India, because of the large number of startups coming up.

I was in talks with one of the web design agency recently, trying to hire them up for my startup, and he said - "A few years back, most of our work came from overseas but today 80% of our business happens just in India".

The only thing you've to be aware of as a web developer is that the world is changing rapidly, newer frameworks are coming in almost every fortnight. You've to stay on your toes if you want to grow rapidly.
And I would suggest that instead of being just a web developer, extend your knowledge base to being a full stack developer. You'll get more work and money than you can handle.

With new technologies coming towards web application development, the demand is certain. Especially bootstrap, jQuery, Angular JS, HTML 5, and other powerful scripting languages makes the demand more. Until and unless it is device specific app most of the applications can be written in Responsive Web Design or Hybrid mobile app. One has to be very strong in the basic concepts and the deep knowledge in the scripting languages to make powerful web appilcations.

6. Using software of


Cloud9 IDE

Really interesting 100% online software programming tool with collaborative features for teams to work together.

CodeCharge Studio

Windows only and geared towards enterprise use of Microsoft technologies.

Code Envy

Online development environment, available anywhere with a browser and internet connection.

CodeLobster (Win) (Free)

Free portable PHP IDE with support for Drupal, Smarty, WordPress, Joomla, JQuery, CodeIgniter, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, CakePHP, Facebook, Symfony, Yii.


CodePen is a playground for the front end side of the web. It’s all about inspiration, education, and sharing. HTML, CSS, and Javascript in an easy to share environment to try out ideas and get ideas. Also check out JSFiddle and FiddleSalad entries below.

Comparison of IDEs

Excellent chart comparison of different software programming tools, also called Integrated Development Environments or IDEs.

Crimson Editor (Win) (Free)

Free Text Editor, Html Editor, Programmers Editor for Windows. Works fine but also evolved into Emerald Editor.

Delphi XE3 (Win)

Optimized for development of Windows 8 and Mac apps from one codebase, including devices like Retina displays, Slates, and Surface.

Dreamweaver CS6 (Win/Mac)

Eclipse PHP Developer Tools (PDT)

This open source IDE also has a paid version with commercial support, Zend Studio. And Eclipse IDT is not to be confused with PHPEclipse, an open source PHP IDE project.

Expression Studio (Win)

Microsoft's Expression includes an excellent debugger for Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8 web browsers which is useful for html email (for older mail software like AOL that uses the Microsoft HTML rendering engine) and web pages.


HTML5 Builder

Designed for web and mobile app development. Includes earlier products, RadPHP XE2 and XE access.


Like CodePen, an online playground to code and share code, this time with many flavors of JavaScript.


Software development in an online environment with lots of social activity. It’s StackExchange + Facebook + Cloud9 + Virtual Machines + a few other things. It’s a great idea and worth a try.

Komodo Edit (Mac/Win/Linux)

A free open source editor for Perl, Python, Tcl, PHP, Ruby and Javascript.

Light Table (Win/Mac/Linux)

A complete re-imagining of how an IDE should work. In alpha late 2012, it’s worth a look.


Optimized command line for Java and Clojure applications.

MacRabbit Espresso (with CSSEdit 3)

Mac IDE with snippets, code folding, live styling, CSS analysis, and other features.

NetBeans (Win/Mac/Linux/Solaris)

Free open source technology, for a variety of OSes, for desktop, mobile, and web development.

Notepad++ (Win/Mac)

Lots of features, no bloat, its free, and under active development.

phpDesigner (Win)

All-In-One PHP IDE, PHP Editor, HTML5 Editor, and Web Editor.

PHPEclipse (Win/Mac/Linux)

Not to be confused with the Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT) platform. Run on Eclipse.

PhpEd (Win)

PHPEdit (Win)

PhpStorm (Win/Mac/Linux)

From JetBrains, the makers of PyCharm which is an amazing editor for Python. PhpStorm offers similar coder-friendly functionality.

Python Fiddle

An online IDE for Python.

Rapid PHP Editor (Win)

Sublime Text

Text Wrangler (Mac) (Free) and BBEdit (Mac)

Both for Mac, Text Wrangler is free and comparable to Crimson Editor on Windows and Notepad++. BBEdit is comparable to Visual Studio and other IDEd for software and web development.

TextMate (Mac)


Web browser-based online editing tool used to teach coding.

Visual Studio (Win)

Visual Studio Online

VS.Php for Visual Studio (Win)

Includes built-in PHP server.

Zend Studio (Win/Mac/Linux)

Built on the Eclipse PHP Development Tools (PDT) platform which is open source.
7. How much earn is possible as a Web developer
I don’t tell you my income but I can tell you that I know several senior web developers in Atlanta making $85k and a few senior web developers in Atlanta making closer to $200k. These people are doing almost exactly the same job or at least have the same job description.
I believe the higher earners have these qualities:
1) willing to take risks
2) understand economics of labor market
3) impeccable sense of timing - know when it’s time to jump jobs or technologies
4) impressive portfolios
5) have a focused skill set, not a hodgepodge
6) extensive network of colleagues / recruiters
7) love the work
8) drive for novelty (wanna try out the latest things)
9) fun personalities
10) ability to sell themselves
11) good communicators
12) don’t take themselves too seriously
13) to the point, don’t waste words
14) prefer to be honest than popular
15) finely tuned BS detectors
16) love interviewing, especially white-boarding
17) share presentations at meetups
18) good at minimizing distractions / hyper focusing
19) are nice to recruiters, treat them like humans
20) avoid burning bridges
8.Which site will help you to earn?


Find or post a project or post on this platform to get the best bids from a gamut of skilled web designers, copywriters or freelance programmers.


A popular online portal for freelancers, this is the ultimate place to meet professionals with business, technical and marketing expertise to get work done at an affordable price.

Upwork (formerly oDesk)

The average budget size of a job here is around $5,000! It’s no wonder that this online marketplace is a great asset for both service providers and employers.


Toptal is a hiring marketplace for developers of (almost) all programming languages; it provides “A”-level developers who truly skillful in their fields. You can apply as a freelance developer with the possibility of working with top tech companies or a cool startup.


99Designs is where companies go to get their logos, banners and websites designed. Designers are awarded a pre-determined amount of money if their design is chosen.

Envato Studio (formerly FreelanceSwitch)

A house for creatives and developers of many fields to find freelance gigs from all over the world. Apply as a service providers and once you are accepted, you can name your price for your service.


Want to test the waters of freelancing? Give Fiverr a shot. Projects go for between $5 and $10, and this is a great place to gain some experience to add to your portfolio.

StackOverflow Careers

StackOverflow is not only a solution-churning site, it also provides job listings of tech companies from all over the world. To apply for the job, you will need a Stack Career Accounts (you’ll need to be invited first).


Sign up for a Dribbble Pro account and show the “Hire me” button on your profile page or scour the job board for companies looking for freelancers.

Behance Job

Productivity and creativity go hand in hand at the job list section of this site. This exclusive site is known to convert creativity into lucrative services or products to promote unique ideas.


This is the official WordPress job board. Herein you can find some jobs surrounding the WordPress ecosystem such as plugin development, theme customization, or WordPress-site optimization.


A site for every professional. Once you sign up for LinkedIn, you can start lookign for freelance jobs of your interest in the LinkedIn job board.

Smashing Jobs

A nice job portal to find programming and designing jobs, among many other job opportunities.


Here’s another spot to find the industry’s offering of professionals from all over the world. The Escrow payment gives this site an edge over many other freelancing sites.


Krop is a job board and career resource website for creative professionals. Whether you’re looking for job, or hunting top-notch talent, Krop’s simple and powerful tools are geared towards connecting the worlds brightest minds with the best companies.

MeFi Jobs

Search and share jobs with other members of the site and mark the distance of your job from you, based on the latitude/longitude entered in your profile.


Coroflot is an employment site for creative professionals: design firms post job openings and designers post portfolios – Coroflot makes the connection.

Problogger Jobs

Blogging enthusiasts and professional bloggers who wish to explore the income potential of this fun-filled hobby of ‘blogging,’ will like this site. The job section of this blog can land you with a few blogging jobs.


Dice is a job search engine dedicated to only finding technology jobs. It offers a targeted niche space for finding the exact technology position you might be looking for.


WordPress developers can find big opportunities in WPHired for a WordPress-related project, as a freelance, an intern or a full-time position.


As the name suggests, this is a site where you can find jobs which you can do from the comforts of your home, or wherever you like. Jobs range from design to programming and development to executive positions.


Hirable is a social site where freelancers and employers can meet. Get a free account then follow peers that share the same skill with you. Indicate your availability with a “Hirable” status, and opt to the “Busy” status when you are not.


Crew opens up opportunities for freelancers to apply to work on projects. It focuses on web design, app development, and brand identity project. has been successfully delivering freelancers for companies like, Zappos and LonelyPlanet. To apply as a freelancer in, you would need a Github account, filled with great codes and repositories, to be qualified.


LocalSolo is a site to find local freelancers in many countries from a wide range of expertise including design, engineering, copywriting, photography, and even analyst. You can sign-up as a freelancer or an employer for free.


OnSite is a place where designers, developers, and copywriters can find many opportunities for freelance jobs. Applicants are carefully curated. Once accepted, freelancers can show off their portfolios, set the price rate, and manage their availability.


Folyo is a curated list of designers available for freelance jobs. It matches freelancers to the employer’s expectation and requirements. If you want to be on the list, you may apply to be a Designer.


Gigster is a site for companies to find developers in a team; companies range from a startup to top tech companies like Google, Microsoft, and eBay. If you want to work there you can apply as a Gigster.


A personalized site for friends to endorse their friends for freelancing jobs from startups. Once accepted, you can get an anonymous profile and showcase your skills, experience and jobs you are interested in. Interest companies will contact you.


Another great site to find freelance gigs, YunoJuno connects freelancers with employers, and also provides tools for generating contracts and invoicing.


On top of the design contests to try out, if you are an established designer or developer, you can also negotiate for a private project with clients on Crowdsite.


Joomla professionals can now jump with joy as this site caters to different work aspects of Joomla. Come and find work that adds to your credibility as a Joomla professional, and reward you with a great sum.


Save costs and enhance efficiencies by outsourcing your programming, writing and web designing jobs to the right people at this famous online freelance portal.

JavaScript Ninja Jobs

A great site to apply for jobs in US, UK, Canada and other such developed countries. You may also find freelance work here in the fields for developers, designers and writers.


GigScribe is subscription service that curates available freelance jobs based on your skill and hourly rate, and send them to your email daily. Subscription is $4/month or $3.3/year.


Localancer is a site to find freelancers in creative and IT fields within the client’s reach. Clients can sort options down to the location, skill, timezone, countries, and the price. To be listed as a freelancer, there is a sign up cost of about €17.


Bridging the gap between experienced employees and qualified employers, this site is known to have the best talent in varied industries. You can seek both part-time and full-time contracts as well as consulting opportunities.

Authentic Jobs

Creative and web professionals can seek reputable full-time and freelance opportunities here and get associated with well-known names in major industries like Sony BMG, HBO, HP, Facebook and many more.

People per hour

Based on the simple bidding system, you can hire efficient freelancers here and enjoy the on-demand flexibility while saving money at the same time. Marketing, legal, accounting, writing, programming are some of the most common industry types covered by this site.


What makes crowdSPRING different is that instead of outbidding and competing with someone with a larger portfolio, how you approach a project and your level of creativity is what gets you that project.


DesignCrowd is a graphic design marketplace that gives creative people opportunities. Businesses can post requirements or request quotes for logo design, business card design, advertising artwork and website design.
Simply Hired
This online job portal allows you to find all kinds of jobs, whether freelance or full-time, based on your location, skills and experience in the field.


TheShelf is a site where bloggers and freelance writers, covering fashion, lifestyle, food, and travel, connect and collaborate with brands to reach the right audience.

Working Nomads

Working nomads are freelancers who travel from city to city, coutnry to country, and still working their jobs as they travel. They find remote jobs on site like this. Job categories include Design, Development, and even Management.


bark is a marketplace for almost any kind of work field from painter to photographer to party caterer. A great site for regular people to find local professionals. If you are a Pro, sign up.


Matchist helps companies hire qualified developers, based in the US. If you are living in the US, you can go ahead and sign-up to be on their developer’s list.


More suited for students who are looking for a partime job to gain experience or spending cash, jobs available range from graphic design to bartender to DJ.


AirPair is a community site where developers meet other developers to seek advice and mentorship by sharing their experiences. It isn’t a freelancing job site but having a good network may help you land a job or possibly a career down the road.


Traction is a site for freelance marketers to meet with brands and advertisers. If you have a popular blog, or are a social influencer, you can sign-up in Traction as a “Marketing Partner” and start earning.


Juiiicy is an invite-only site for designers. Here designers can post or refer a job, or apply for a job referred by other peers. Some designers are said to have earned thousands by just referring jobs.
9. Caution
Don’t Double Dip
Your employer likely won’t have kind words to say after catching you using company time and resources to work on freelance projects. Resist the temptation to double dip your time by completing freelance tasks while on the employer’s time clock. Sure, this may lead to late nights and long weekends finishing freelance tasks. However, the two realms must be kept separate if you hope to keep your full-time job and succeed in this freelance venture.
Read Your Workplace Policy
Some companies include non-compete clauses in their employee handbooks, meaning employees aren’t allowed to accept freelance work on the side. These clauses are often found in ad agencies with employers who fear their creative professionals will begin stealing the company’s clients.
Before freelancing, review your employee handbook and ask questions on any clauses you don’t understand. This will avoid you breaking a major company rule regarding freelancing and, thus, suffering severe repercussions such as losing your job. If the policy is vague, use your best judgment regarding whether the boss should be informed of your intentions to start freelancing on the side.
Be Honest with Clients
As your freelance client list builds, you may be faced with periods of work overload. It’s typical during this time when you’ll need either quit your job and go full-time freelance or turn a few clients away. In either case, be upfront with any potential clients asking you to complete work for them. Tell the clients you’re still working full-time and specify that the work may take a little longer than usual if they still want you to complete their projects. By laying the cards on the table at the beginning of a freelance project, you’ll avoid client frustrations and negative word of mouth in the future.
Go Full-time Freelance with Care
Although you may be chomping at the bit to put in your two-week notice and go full-time freelance, make this transition with care. Only go full-time freelance when you’re confident your income from an employer’s paycheck can easily be replaced and when you have a cushion of savings to fall back on during unexpected freelance dry spells.
Freelancing while working full-time for an employer is a great opportunity to maintain the security of a steady paycheck while assessing if you’ve got the talent needed to go solo in the working world. By respecting your full-time work hours and by being up front with your freelance clients, you’ll successfully navigate this transitional period until you’re able to leave the employer behind and freelance full-time.

. conculation

morally i say that it is hard but you can earn highest dollar from it. But you have to be intelligent and industrious.

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